Bussmann Internet Facts
Each time you see the words 'View/Download BIF Document'
or the BIF logo (left), you can access more detailed
information about the product. This data is in the form of
an Acrobat 'pdf' file. It may include time-current curves,
dimensional data, electrical characteristics tables, related
fuseholders, ordering information, etc. If you do not have
Acrobat installed on your computer, you may download the
appropriate Acrobat Reader application by accessing:

Bussmann Information Fax
Call Bussmann Information FAX to get the latest
specification data on products in this site. BIF is an
automated fax response system, available 24 hours a day. No
need to wait for normal business hours, now you can get
product information when you want it. All you need is a
touch-tone phone and a fax machine or fax modem. NOTE: The
fax you receive is from the same file that you can download
as an Acrobat file (see above).
BIF document numbers are listed with products throughout
this site. When you want more information about a product,
just call BIF and follow the prompts. In a matter of minutes
a detailed specification sheet will be faxed to you.
Be sure to have your fax number ready before calling
Bussmann Information Fax
- 314. 527.1450